Monday, August 6, 2012

08-06-12 Inside the CSU?s Arkansas Valley Research Center of Rocky Ford, CO with Dr. Michael Bartolo, Ph.D?Melons & More!

Posted by Brian Allmer on August 6, 2012

CSU Dr Michael Bartolo, Ph.D., Senior Research Scientist @ the Arkansas Valley Research Center in Rocky Ford, CO

(The BARN ? Briggsdale, CO) August 6th, 2012 - Joining the BARN to discuss the melon industry, cantaloupes & Colorado Proud is Dr. Michael Bartolo, Ph.D, Colorado State University Senior Research Scientist @ the Arkansas Valley Research Center in Rocky Ford, CO, which is part of a network of 7 research centers (9 sites) throughout the state. These centers are administered by the?Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station?or individual?departments?within?Colorado State University. Dr Bartolo specializes in commercial vegetable crop production; insect, disease and weed management.?Dr. Bartolo received a B.S. and M.S. from CSU in 1984 and 1986 respectively and a Ph.D. in Plant Physiology from the University of Minnesota in 1990.?He has been with the Arkansas Valley Research Center, an Agricultural Experiment Station, since 1991 where his primary responsibilities are research and extension/outreach activities to support commercial vegetable crop production in the Arkansas Valley and other parts of the state.?The major crops emphasized are onions, melons, and peppers.?Projects have been centered on different aspects of crop production including plasticulture (drip irrigation and mulches), fertility and pest management.?Additional responsibilities include the overall management of the Arkansas Valley Research Center located near Rocky Ford, Colorado.

Topics within the interview include:

  • August is Colorado Proud Month ? Better for You?Better for Colorado
  • Arkansas Valley Research Center?s Open House & Field Day September 6th in Rocky Ford, CO
  • How Rocky Ford melon growers have responded to?food safety issues.
  • ?Improved production techniques used by melon growers (drip, plastic mulch)
  • What gives Rocky Ford melons their unique flavor?
  • & MORE

To listen to the entire interview, click on the audio ink below:


To learn more about the Arkansas Valley Research Center log on to:?

Learn more about Rocky Ford Cantaloupe by visiting:?

Colorado Proud, created by the Colorado Department of Agriculture in 1999, promotes locally grown, raised or processed food and agricultural products to consumers statewide. Currently, the program has more than 1,700 members including growers, processors, restaurants, retailers and associations.?To learn more about Colorado Proud, and to find Colorado products, farmers? markets, a crop calendar, restaurants and recipes, visit?

Today?s? interview brought to you by Colorado State University and the College of Agriculture?learn more @

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